Recent Call of Duty games have received a lot of praise for the Gunsmith feature. The in-depth customization screen has given players more control over exactly how they set up their loadouts and has made it easier to see exactly what each attachment and perk changes. Now, a new patent filed by David Vonderhaar – the lead developer on the multiplayer side of many Treyarch Call of Duty games – suggests the studio is working on a feature that will allow you to share your loadout directly to social media for other players to download and use. An abstract for the patent states that a “method for creating and sharing customized video game weapon configurations in multiplayer video games via one or more social networks is provided.” What that means, in layman’s terms, is that any player in the game will have the ability to boot up Call of Duty’s Gunsmith and hit a button to share the custom setup directly to social media platforms – whether that’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr (just to name some of the platforms listed in the patent). The patent notes that players can use the Gunsmith feature – which is found in Black Ops Cold War, Modern Warfare, Warzone, and Call of Duty Mobile – to name their loadout and share it alongside a “performance profile”, so other players can see how much havoc it can wreak. Should this patent be approved and make its way in-game, players will be able to immediately download and try out other players setups, without having to piece together a loadout someone has detailed online or shared a picture of. It’d sure save some time for hardcore CoD players trying to keep up with the ever-changing meta – and the patent suggests the same principle could be translated to single-player games and other Activision Blizzard titles, too. If you’re playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War at the moment, you may want to check out how to decrypt the Operation Chaos floppy disk, and how to narrow down the suspects in Operation Red Circus. Once you are ready for the final missions, here are some tips on how to get the best ending, too.