Over the past few days, Call of Duty: Warzone players discovered a terrible glitch involving vehicles. The exploit doesn’t actually give those who trigger it an advantage, and instead ruins the experience for everyone. Using any of the game’s vehicles and going out of bounds in a certain area would cause the entire server to crash, kicking everyone back to the lobby. The good news is that Infinity Ward has disabled vehicles for now, though the developer did not say when we can expect them to return. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Infinity Ward (@InfinityWard) September 6, 2020 Longtime Warzone players will remember that this isn’t the mode’s first trouble with vehicles. Cars and helicopters have both been disabled on multiple occasions in the past, for various reasons. None of these instances, however, were the result of something as major as crashing entire matches. Usually, things go back to normal in a few days, but given how severe this new glitch is, vehicles may be out until a proper patch has been rolled out. We’ll keep you updated.