The developer confirmed in a tweet it has already begun rolling out measures to allow its staff to work from home. “Over the past week, we have been adapting to the situation and gradually rolling out preventative measures across our entire organization," the tweet reads. “We’ve also been upgrading equipment & infrastructure and working towards enabling our employees to work remotely, from the safety of their homes.” Remote work will continue “for as long as it is needed,” says the studio. But despite the change in office venue, CD Projekt maintains it is “rising to the challenge and showing no signs of stopping in our effort to bring you some kick-ass role-playing action in September.” Most major game developers have taken similar actions as fears of a worsened outbreak mount. Last week Destiny developer Bungie announced it is moving all staff to work from home indefinitely, followed by Rockstar and EA. Microsoft has likewise asked staff at its Seattle HQ as well as those in San Francisco to work from home until March 25. Both Bungie and Microsoft are mainly based in Seattle, which currently has the highest coronavirus mortality rate in the country with ten deaths. Cyberpunk 2077 launches for Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Google Stadia on September 17, 2020. Check out our full Cyberpunk 2077 primer if you want to bring yourself up to speed.