In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, players relive the story of the series as Kakarot or, Goku. You will experience his quest to grow stronger, his need to challenge, and a battle to protect Earth from powerful villains. This new video goes over the various character progression mechanics. These include a look at how eating elaborate dishes can grow your stats; how collecting and spending Z-Orbs and D-Medals can unlock powerful skills; and how gathering and arranging the Souls Emblems can push your strength “to new heights.” A previous video provided you with an idea of how you’ll live as Goku in the game. It showed how you will be training, eating, and fishing. It also provided a look at how side quests and story moments will answer questions pertaining to Dragon Ball Z lore. It even shows how you can summon other characters to help you fight. The game releases January 17 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. If you want an even better idea of what to expect, give our hands-on a read.