Like in regular Minecraft, if you don’t look at an Enderman then they aren’t aggressive. But stare at one for too long - or if you attack first - and you’re in for a world of hurt. While an Enterman is hard to deal with at first, there are a few sure strategies to deal with them quickly and effectively. The first one you encounter will probably be in the Soggy Swamp, but they pop up throughout your whole adventure.

How to beat an Enderman in Minecraft Dungeons

As we said, an Enderman won’t attack you unless you look at it for too long. This means if you approach carefully when the screen turns dark and fuzzy, without meeting it head on, then you should be able to sneak in the first hit - so make it a good one. Aside for that, I’ve found four main strategies to help take them down easily:

When an Enderman teleports behind you, walk away at normal speed until it gets right behind you and ready to attack. Then you can roll away as it swings before hitting it back. A variation of this is to use a fast-firing ranged weapon, or something with the Accelarate Enchantment, to spam arrows at the Enderman when it appears and approaches you. Then you can roll away when it gets too close. I’ve found that a better option is to use a pet summon Artifact like the Tasty Bone or Wonder Wheat to distract the Enderman. They tend to go for your pet instead of you, so take advantage and swing away. An even quicker way to deal with them is just to take the hits. To do this, you either need armor with the Potion Barrier Enchantment, a variation of the Grim Armor with a Lifesteal Aura, or a weapon with the Radiance Enchantment. These all allow you to replenish your health or reduce incoming damage to such a degree that you can take out the Enderman without dying.

Either way, I’d recommend using a fast weapon with a Death Cap Mushroom Artifact to increase your attack speed and make the most of the small windows of opportunity you get to deal with the Enderman. For more on Minecraft Dungeons, here’s where to find the game’s hidden secrets and chests - including the secret cow level. While here we’ve linked our lists of the best weapons, best armor, best enchantments and best artifacts in the game.

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