Led by Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto and composed of industry veterans from around the world, the studio is “excited to tell stories and take players on incredible adventures that are only possible within the Battlefield universe.” “It is a great honor to have the opportunity to collaborate with DICE and Ripple Effect and lead the charge on expanding the narrative, storytelling, and character development opportunities in the Battlefield series,” said Lehto, game director and head of Ridgeline Games. “We’re continuing to invest in the future of the franchise by bringing in new talent and perspectives,” said Vince Zampella, Respawn founder and head of the Battlefield franchise. “With Marcus and his team at Ridgeline Games joining the world-class global team we already have in place, Battlefield is in the strongest position to succeed.” Battlefield 2042 is the most recent mainline entry in the series, and Season 2 kicked off on August 30 arriving with a new map, a new Specialist, three new weapons, and two vehicles.