Facepunch’s Rust has hit new records for users on both Steam and streaming platform Twitch. As spotted by PCGamesN, SteamCharts shows that the game hit 244,394 concurrent users on Steam. This record was actually hit at 21:00 GMT on Saturday, January 16. At the time of writing, Rust actually boasts the fourth-highest concurrent player figure on Steam, coming in behind Valve’s own Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2, as well as battle royale hit Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds. This comes in the wake of Twitch streams about the survival game being watched by 1,373,791 people earlier this month on January 8, according to SullyGnome. Rust has seen a surge of popularity in the last few weeks thanks to a bunch of streamers including Shroud, XQc, and Myth playing the game on the Offline TV server. This has also resulted in the game becoming one of the best-selling items on Steam, even topping the Steam Top Ten for the last two weeks. Facepunch originally launched Rust into Steam Early Access in 2013, with the 1.0 version rolling out at the start of 2018. At XO19, Facepunch revealed that Rust was coming to PS4 and Xbox One with a 2020 release date in mind. Obviously, we’re past that now, but it seems that the game is still on track to come to console this year, and has been rated by ESRB.